My name is Dora Chin, and I work as a software engineer at a nonprofit organization. What initially drew me to Piedmont Church were the sermons about grace and how we are loved by God. I look forward to being part of a community of warm and friendly Christians.

My name is Toni Kay Robison, married to Timothy W. Robison. I was a Researcher at UCLA doing pre-work ups on patients with dementia and their progressive symptoms until they passed. What attracted me to this church were the people who go here, the Reverend’s inspiring messages, the classes during the week, relaxation class, and the wonderful, retired group, contributing time to a homeless shelter in Oakland and the most fun and work singing in the choir and Pickleball.

Timothy W. Robison — I was drawn to Piedmont Church by the friendliness of its members and sense of community, outreach programs and the many church activities. I was a Deacon at Darnestown Presbyterian Church for 13 years, served in my son’s Boy Scout Troop in Maryland for 17 years, and took my daughter to soccer games for many years. I have a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology from UC Davis, worked at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, USC School of Pharmacy and the Food and Drug Administration. I also work at a family business.

Catherine Hagerty and Claire — I’m a finance lawyer in San Francisco. I was drawn to Piedmont Church by the music, the warmth and the children’s program. I’m looking forward to continuing to grow in community here.

Richard Kuchen — After coaching for 34 years, I enjoy working in the financial services business. Steve Schibsted first attracted me to Piedmont Church. I look forward to getting to know other members of this community.

Georgia Kuchen — I was drawn to Piedmont Church by Steve Schibsted. His positive, Christ-centered messages and his personal example of the enthusiastic kind of Christian I would like to be associated with and to be! When I first visited Piedmont Church, I found this community to be one of the friendliest groups ever and I look forward now to continuing my Christian journey – learning and serving with them.

Jo Giessler moved to Rockridge from New York City last summer to join her two grown sons and their fiancés. She found Piedmont Church while Googling ‘Christmas Concerts’ and brought her family to the concert, which they all loved, and has been attending ever since. She is now consulting after a career in corporate philanthropy and sustainability and will be teaching at the Haas School at UC Berkeley starting in January.

Sue Smegal — In 1974, my husband and I and our two children moved to Piedmont. Since moving, I have been a community volunteer, leading several funding campaigns and organizations. I also served two terms as a member of the Piedmont Board of Education. After my children left for college, I taught 7th grade Core at the Piedmont Middle School. I have attended Piedmont Church off and on for years. Recently, I am learning so much from the sermons. I think about them during the week. I am pleased to be a new member.

Nancy and Bill Branagh have lived in Oakland their entire lives. Bill worked in the family construction business. Nancy worked with children. They have two married sons and three grandchildren. Friends invited them to Piedmont Church last fall. After experiencing the church’s amazing staff and friendly congregation, they decided to join. They are both excited and grateful for this new chapter in their lives.

Alex Katz and Colleen Lamarre began attending services at Piedmont Community Church as it was the church where Alex was baptized many years ago. They both felt an immediate connection with this church and the community that surrounds it, eventually asking Don Ashburn to marry them late last year. Colleen works as an attorney and Alex is a registered investment advisor.