Sunday Mornings at Piedmont Community Church

In-Person Worship, 10am (Easter Sunday 8:30 and 10am)

When you arrive on a Sunday morning service, you may be greeted in the Courtyard by one of our church members. We are glad you chose to visit and are eager to answer your questions, introduce you to others, and offer you the opportunity to be added to our mailing list, sign up for events, or be contacted by one of our pastors.

Following the Sunday morning services, join us in the Courtyard or, on colder days, in the Clara Barton room (adjacent to the sanctuary) for coffee and tea, food and fellowship.

If you miss a sermon, click here for podcasts of all of our sermons.

Directions and Parking –  There are a few parking spaces reserved for those with special physical needs located in the Staff Parking lot located behind the church, off of Craig Avenue. For directions to the church, click here.

What to Wear – for Sunday morning services, come as you are. Members of the congregation dress in all styles from jeans to business suits.

Kids and Students Sunday Programs – For the Sunday 10am service, childcare and Sunday School are available for children of all ages in the Christian Education (CE) Building, adjacent to the main church building.  It can be reached by walking through the breezeway leading from the courtyard to the parking lot. Follow the signs posted on the church walls, or ask someone at the Welcoming Team table or other member to point you to the building.  Welcomers will be there to assist.