Maundy Thursday – March 28, 6:15pm
Worship takes place on March 28 at 6:15pm during a dinner called an ‘Agape Meal,’ from one of the Greek words for “love” – agape. It commemorates Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples, when he called on them to “love one another” and instituted the sacrament of Communion. The meal will conclude with Communion. Cost for dinner is $20 at the door, free for children under 18.
Good Friday – March 29, 7:30pm
Worship will include the service of Tenebrae, with scripture readings recounting the last hours of Jesus’ life. As the story unfolds, candles and sanctuary lights are extinguished until all is dark.
Easter Sunday – March 31, 8:30am and 10am
Both services are identical – a celebration of the resurrection – Steve Schibsted, preaching