Dr. Schibsted Preaches First On January 3
The Transitional Minister Nominating Committee of Piedmont Community Church recommended, and the Board of Trustees approved, the hiring of Rev. Dr. Steve Schibsted. He assumed duties as Transitional Minister on January 1, 2021 and will preach his first sermon online Sunday, January 3.
Dr. Schibsted recently served a three-year term as Transitional Minister at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, which ended this month. He and his wife, Leslie, have a home in Upper Rockridge, less than three miles from Piedmont Church. They have two adult children – a daughter residing in the Bay Area and a son currently living in Idaho.
He is an ordained Presbyterian Minister, receiving his Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1991, and his Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2001. He received Interim Pastor Training in 2017.
“Our rigorous selection process left nothing to chance,” said Committee Chair Rich Thompson. “The process included 30-plus online meetings and interviews, sermon reviews, extensive reference and background checks and final exhaustive forced-ranking exercises. Throughout, one candidate in particular emerged with a consistently strong ranking across all of our selection criteria. Dr. Schibsted brings the perfect combination of experience, strategic vision and warm, outgoing engagement needed to guide our church in preparation to welcome a new era and a new Senior Minister.”
“On behalf of our church, I would like to thank the nominating committee for selecting Dr. Schibsted to recommend to the Board of Trustees,” said Piedmont Church President Jan Wolfe. “They created and carried out a thorough plan for the selection process.”
Dr. Schibsted has been a Senior Minister for more than 20 years, leading churches in three different locations. He has led successful improvement programs at his last three churches – increasing attendance and strengthening finances.
“It is my great pleasure to welcome Dr. Schibsted to our faith community,” said Associate Minister Don Ashburn. “I know that his gifts of intelligence, creativity, empathy and a great sense of humor will be a great asset for us, and for the mission of Christ in and through us.”