Children's Ministry

Sunday School Teachers

  • Purpose: Provide Christian Education to children.
  • Time Required: One to three hours (varies with assignment).
  • Contact Person Leslie Quantz (510) 547-5700 ext 109

Year round, these volunteers welcome families and inform them about the day’s events and locations.

  • Purpose: Help children and parents feel welcome in the CE building.
  • Time Required: 8:30 – 9:00am and 10:00-10:30am from 1 – many Sundays.
  • Contact Person: Leslie Quantz (510) 547-5700 ext 109

Help transition children from parents, hold babies, find age-appropriate activities, read stories and set-up and clean-up are activities performed by volunteers in the nursery.

  • Purpose: Support nursery and child care coordinator with the care and comfort of children from 4 mos to 3 1⁄2 years on Sunday morning from 8:30 to 9:45am and/or 10:00-11:30am.
  • Time Required: 2 hours
  • Contact Person: Leslie Quantz (510) 547-5700 ext 109

Christmas Pageant
Opportunities include: pageant producer, pageant director, pianist, costume coordinator, set-up and clean-up, usher and offering coordinator, lighting, and sound. This annual event is held on a Sunday evening in early December.  Rehearsal is held on Saturday morning prior to the program.

  • Purpose: To allow children to perform a musical in celebration of Christ’s birth for each other and their families.
  • Time Required: Varies according to specific position.
  • Contact Person: Leslie Quantz (510) 547-5700 ext 109

Kidz Club Coordinator(s)
Coordinate monthly, or every two months, meetings of children in grades 4-6. Children participate in community events, fund raisers and arts and crafts. Participation is open to church families and their friends.

  • Purpose: Provides a comfortable and fun setting to learn more about being a Christian.
  • Time Required: 2 hours per meeting, monthly on the second Friday from 4-6 pm.
  • Contact Person: Julie Hofer (510) 653-3362

Bulletin Board Decorators
One to two people with creative ideas and artistic abilities to seasonally update hallway bulletin boards.

  • Purpose: Extends the Christian Education program through bulletin boards
  • Time Required: as needed, late August – mid June
  • Contact Person: Leslie Quantz (510) 547-5700 ext 109

Public Relations Manager
Write and distribute articles to local newspapers.

  • Purpose: Create community awareness of CCE events and encourage participation
  • Time Required: Minimum: Kick-off Picnic and Pageant
  • Contact Person: Leslie Quantz (510) 547-5700 ext 109

Special Events/Projects
Opportunities include: special events leaders, art and crafts leaders and an outreach committee.

  • Purpose: Create interesting events and projects for the Children’s Education Program in hope of attraction new families to Piedmont Church.
  • Time Required: Depends upon the scope of the project.
  • Contact Person: Leslie Quantz (510) 547-5700 ext 109

Faith Network of the East Bay
Tutoring elementary school children, 2nd and 3rd grades.
Purpose: Matches local churches and corporations with needs of schools.
Time Required: One to two hours per weekEast Oakland PRIDE (formerly Webster Academy)
Lakeshore Elementary
Contact Person: Rebecca Buckley (510) 836-5100