Joint Concert: Imani and Piedmont Choirs - Sunday, March 4, 4 pm
The Imani Voices of Faith Choir and Piedmont Community Church Chancel Choir come together for a inspiring afternoon concert at Imani Church on Sunday, March 4 at 4 pm. Imani Community Church is Piedmont Community Church’s sister congregation in Oakland. Their choir is led by Terrance Kelly who also directs the renowned Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir. Kelly and our own Dr. Stephen Main will bring these two stellar choirs together under one roof at Imani. Each group will perform separately and then together in one large ensemble.
A fellowship reception will follow, giving you the chance to spend time with the wonderful members of our sister church. Friends and neighbors are warmly invited.
Imani Community Church is located at 3300 MacArthur Blvd. in Oakland in east Oakland.
Please join us!