Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees (BOT) is a 15-member volunteer board, 12 members are elected by the congregation to a three-year term. Three members (Deacons Chair, Christian Education (CE) Chair and Past President of Trustees) serve ex officio.
The Board supervises the church’s finances and manages the annual Stewardship Campaign. In addition, the Trustees are responsible for personnel and maintenance of the church plant. They manage the strategic plan, create the annual budget and plan the annual congregational meeting. Each Trustee is a member of a three-person committee: Stewardship, Personnel, Finance, Buildings & Grounds. In the Trustee’s third year s/he typically chairs a committee. Also, one member of each class usually serves as President of the Board in the third year.
We need to nominate four (4) new members to the BOT, one to serve on each of the committees. The person who joins the Finance Committee will typically be the Treasurer of the church in the third year. Some experience with accounting, financial statements and budgeting is helpful. At least one member of the class should have the leadership skills to serve as President in year three. Other than that, some experience in the area of the committee assignment is helpful but not necessary. Willingness to learn and do the work is paramount.
Board of Deacons
The Board of Deacons is a 12-member volunteer board elected by the congregation for a three-year term. The Board is responsible for developing the Mission Program and disbursing mission funds to both local and international non-profit organizations. In addition, they arrange for Sunday ushers, greeters and communion servers for worship services. The Deacons have four committees: Fellowship, Congregational Life, Mission and Outreach. We need five (5) new Deacons to serve on these committees.
Board of Christian Education
The Board of Christian Education (CE) is a 12-member volunteer board elected by the congregation for a three-year term. We need to nominate five (5) members of the CE Board. The Board chooses the Sunday school curricula and oversees the training of volunteer teachers. They oversee the planning of children’s Chapel services and the confirmation program. This Board also coordinates children’s and youth fellowship groups, nursery care and special events such as the Christmas Pageant and the annual high school Mexico mission trip.
Nominating Committee
There are three at-large members of the Nominating Committee, and chairs from the Board of Deacons and the Board of Christian Education, who work with the ministers and the President of the BOT to coordinate the nomination process. who work with the ministers and the President of the BOT to coordinate the nomination process. The members elected in 2021 will be handling nominations made in 2022. It is helpful for these people to know members of the congregation, but that is less critical as we move to a more open nominating process.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild members decorate the worship space, set up weekly altar flowers, organize donations of weekly altar flowers and prepare the monthly communion service. Members serve for three years from January through December.